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Every home must have one!

About Us

We are a small family-run business that through tragedy made us decide to sell this product. We feel this simple test can save many lives. We lost two very close family friends two different drug death scenarios. To protect their identity we will call them John and Jane.

John's Story

We are a small family-run business that through tragedy made us decide to sell this product. We feel this simple test can save many lives.

We lost two very close family friends two different drug death scenarios. To protect their identity we will call them John and Jane.

John died of an overdose. We did not suspect he was using drugs until it was too late. It was frustrating for the family to have the constant doubt in our mind if he was using or not using.

At that time there was no easy drug test. The person in question would have to go to a doctor for the test to be performed and the family members or loved ones would not be able to know the results of those tests due to Patient / Doctor confidentiality.

When people are addicted they lie to protect their addiction. So the loved ones are left in a state of not knowing. Many times we wished for a simple at-home test where we could demand of John to piss in this cup and see in 3 minutes if and what he was taking.

If we knew we would have been able to react quicker, united and stronger. He might be here today.

Jane's Story

Jane was a family friend who just occasionally used cocaine on very rare occasions. Not aware she bought some laced with Fentanyl and died from it. A casualty of a terrible industry practice.

She was of sound mind, for the cost of this test she would have tested her purchase if she had the ability to. She would be here today if this test was available.

These instances have made us offer this test. We feel every home should have one in the cupboard for whatever use. We feel people might be less inclined to start these drugs if they know their loved ones have the ability to test them for it at anytime.

Do not wait, do not guess if a loved one is addicted. Tell them to piss in this cup.
Do not ingest until you test it. Do not be a victim of bad drugs.
Do not speculate on what this is you found....test it and know in 3 minutes.

Knowledge is power and knowing if and what they are taking is crucial.

We do this for our lost loved ones....we do this to try to save a least one life.